Nationwide Services Based in Memphis, TN

Customized Call Center Services

Answering Advantage is the answer you’ve been looking for because we customize each account to meet and exceed your needs. We can answer your overflow calls, serve as your after hour call center, verify appointments, manage campaigns, conduct surveys and serve as your virtual receptionist. We also offer toll free telephone numbers.

Our services give you peace of mind, which allows you to focus on gaining new customers and servicing existing ones. You can even go on vacation or attend a meeting knowing that your calls will be handled professionally, just like you would handle them.

We have 20 years experience in providing a variety of services with a variety of business types and multiple different sized businesses.

Answering Advantage hires and retains excellent employees and we use the best call center solutions software available to insure you receive the best service.

Full Services

We offer all Answering Advantage customers free secure access to a portal to check and retrieve messages, enter on-call information and make last minute changes to previously entered on-call information. Customers can also print or email messages and have the options of viewing, adding, editing, or deleting certain system information in their account.

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